2024 Concord Cup is Scheduled for October 5th and 6th

Player Records

FourBall Record3-3-2
Foursomes Record5-3-0
Pairs Record5-2-1
Avg Holes/Match16.4
Best FormatPairs
18 Hole Match Record5-5-3
High Handicap11 (2019)
Low Handicap5 (2023)



Match History

2023-4: FourBall: Will Bass (+6) & Mark Williams (+15) halved with Rick Gordon & Tom Bres (+17)
2023-11: Foursomes: Rick Gordon & Jamie Grace (+6) d. Bill George & Adam Hackett 3 & 2
2023-17: Pairs: Bill George halved with Rick Gordon
2022-2: FourBall: Adam Hackett (+2) & Pat Fitzgerald (+3) halved with Rick Gordon & Matt Haas
2022-9: Foursomes: Rick Gordon & Jamie Grace (+1) d. Nick Ludka & Andy DesJardin 1 up
2022-12: Pairs: Rick Gordon d. Glenn Peggs 8 & 7
2021-3: FourBall: Ron George & Brad Juday (+7) d. Rick Gordon (+1) & Tim Hartland (+7) 1 up
2021-10: Foursomes: Mark Williams & Ron George d. Rick Gordon & Jamie Grace 2 & 1
2021-18: Pairs: Rick Gordon d. Dan Maletich (+3) 1 up
2020-4: FourBall: Brad Juday (+6) & Mark Williams (+9) d. Rick Gordon & Jamie Grace (+8) 1 up
2020-5: Foursomes: Dominic Spadafore & Glenn Peggs d. Rick Gordon & Jon DeAngelis (+3) 1 up
2020-16: Pairs: Bill George (+2) d. Rick Gordon 1 up
2019-3: FourBall: Frank George (+14) & Rick Gordon (+1) d. Mark Williams (+9) & Ted Lefere 1 up
2019-10: Foursomes: Brad Schubert & Will Bass d. Rick Gordon & Dennis Hackett 2 & 1
2019-19: Pairs: Rick Gordon (+1) d. Ted Lefere 6 & 5
2018-3: FourBall: Brad Schubert & Chris Wilker (+8) d. Rick Gordon (+1) & Jon DeAngelis (+4) 1 up
2018-10: Foursomes: Rick Gordon & Frank George d. Will Bass & Chris Wilker (+2) 6 & 5
2018-24: Pairs: Rick Gordon (+2) d. Ted Lefere 1 up
2017-2: FourBall: Rick Gordon (+2) & Matt Cates (+12) d. Ted Lefere & Bill Sedwick (+12) 4 & 3
2017-9: Foursomes: Rick Gordon & Frank George (+1) d. Charlie Shoop & Chris Wilker 4 & 3
2017-16: Pairs: Rick Gordon (+3) d. David Best 8 & 6
2016-1: FourBall: Rick Gordon & Frank George (+11) d. Mark Williams (+8) & Bill Sedwick (+11) 3 & 2
2016-7: Foursomes: Frank George & Rick Gordon (+2) d. Chris Wilker & Ron George 2 up
2016-19: Pairs: Brad Juday (+5) d. Rick Gordon 4 & 3